25 Dec 2013

TQM – Commitment & leadership

1.   The organisation needs a long-term commitment to continuous improvement.
2.   Adopt the philosophy of zero errors/defects to change the culture to right first time.
3.   Train people to understand the customer/supplier relationships.
4.   Do not buy products or services on price alone – look at the total cost.
5.   Recognise that improvement of the systems must be managed.
6.   Adopt modern methods of supervising and training – eliminate fear.
7.   Eliminate barriers between departments by managing the process – improve communications and teamwork
8.   Eliminate goals without methods, standards based only on numbers, barriers to pride of workmanship and fiction – get facts by studying processes.
9.   Constantly educate and retrain – develop experts in the organisation.
10. Develop a systematic approach to manage the implementation of TQM.

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