11 Dec 2013

What Is Total Quality Management

                                   Total Quality management is a management system for a customer focused organisation that involves all employees in continuous improvement of all the aspects of organisation. TQM uses strategy data and effective communication to integrate the quality principle into the culture and activity of the organisation.

Four Main components of TQM

                                 1. Customer First
                                 2. Continuous improvement
                                 3. Zero defects 
                                 4. Training and Development

1. Customer First

                                 A quality product or service satisfies the customer's need and expectations, Whether a product or service quality is higher or lower. This quality how it made the costumer fell and whether customer expectations were satisfied or exceeded.
                                 Success in the long term depends upon customers continuing to receive real benefits from your product and service.Maintaining your customer focus will ensure that your customer and business rewarded to achieve your objectives of putting customer first. 
                                 If the customer are not put first, then customer expectations will be difficult to satisfy and consequently quality will not be achieved.
                                  1. Customers can be put first through a variety of initiatives including understanding market research to discover  consumer needs, so that the organisation can develop products and service that exceed their consumers needs.
                                  2. Internal customers are employees of organisation and are known as customers when they approach each others fora service.
                                  3. External customers are all non-employees of he organisation that approach the organisation in connections with a service or product.
                                  4. Looking after all customers whether internal or external. Internal customers are employees of the organisation and are known as customers when they approach each other for a service. External customers are all non-employees (of the organisation) that approach the organisation in connection with a service or product.
                                  5. To ensure effective customer care system
                                  6. Listening to the customer views and opinions.
                                  7. Ensure all the standards are meet. 
                                  8. Responding to customer views including resolving customer complaints in a manner the satisfies their expectations. once customer complaints are resolved they should be analysis to prevent future recurrence.

2. Continuous Improvement

                                 The Japanese term "kaizen" has contributed to this component. Kaizen believes that there are no limits to continuous improvement This means that a TQM organisation will continuously strive to improve their product / service and increase the quality standards. A TQM organisation will also view changes positively whether the changes involve a process change or a change in customer needs and expectations. this is because changes will enable the organisation to develop and explore quality.

3. Zero Defects

                                   Defects are expansive because they will lower the customer confidence in the product or service. Also it is more expensive to rectify defects, so is to prevent them occurring in the first time. Zero defect can be achieved through a combination of quality assurance and quality control
                                   Zero defect is a objective only where the process ability to predictable, generate output within the specification limit is improved instead of increasing the specification limit.

4. Training and Development

                                    An organisation will need to train their employees to ensure that they understand the principle of TQM. A TQM organisation of employee will need to understand how the TQM is to be achived or maintained and how they as an employee will ensure that they organisation emulates TQM.
                                    unless each employee accept and believes in TQM it will difficult for the organisation to practice.

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