22 Dec 2013

Quality Policy

        An Organisation should have a Quality Policy. This policy is meant to be an outward statement of its commitment to its customers and to the provision of quality products. The Quality Policy is a more abstract concept. It finds its practical and measurable expression in the Quality Objectives. The Quality Policy should be in line with the purpose and mission of the organisation or company it is written for. It also should be understandable by all members of the organisation, employees, managers as well as other stakeholders.
The Quality Policy definition of ISO 9000:2000 is “The overall intentions and direction of an organization related to quality as formally expressed by top management.”

Example 1:

“XYZ Limited” is committed to:

Providing customers with high quality installations and services which meet and when possible, exceed our Customer’s Requirements through the continuous improvement of our processes.
Operating the business to the systems required by ISO 9001: 2008.
Enhancing the skills of management and staff through review and actively pursuing an on-going training policy, the objective of which is to prepare staff to perform their work more effectively.
Promoting the culture of continual quality improvements and the philosophy of getting things “right first time”.
Rigorously controlling the supply, installation and completion to programme of all projects.
Promoting the quality management systems and ensuring implementation is achieved by internal auditing, management review, corrective and preventive action.

Everyone is responsible for the quality within the company and for maintaining high standards.

_____________________________ 24th August, 20xx
Managing Director

Example 1:
“XYZ Limited” is committed to:
                        Achieve Total customer satisfaction in terms of quality, cost, & delivery through team work and continual improvements of system and process.

_____________________________ 30th August, 20xx

Managing Director

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