25 Dec 2013

Designing and Manufacturing for quality

Designing for quality is a structured method of defining and establishing the steps necessary to ensure that a product satisfies the customer. Designing for quality  involves 75% up front planning and 25% implementation through production, to determine customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

             It focuses on

1. Up-front quality planning

2. Determining if customers are satisfied by evaluating the output and supporting continual improvement

APQP (Advanced product quality planning) is one of advance technique used for Design for quality

It consists of five phases

1. Plan and Define Program

2. Product Design and Development Verification

3. Process Design and Development Verification

4. Product and Process Validation

5. Launch, Feedback, Assessment & Corrective Action

It consists of five major activities

1. Planning

2. Product Design and Development

3. Process Design and Development

4. Product and Process Validation

5. Production

It consists seven major elements

1. Understanding the needs of the customer

2. Proactive feedback and corrective action

3. Designing within the process capabilities

4. Analyzing and mitigating failure modes

5. Verification and validation

6. Design reviews

7. Control special / critical characteristics.

Phase 1 -Plan and define the program
Form a cross functional team. The first step in planning the program is to define who will make up the cross functional team. Cross functional team does not mean one(1) person doing everything. Typical members of a cross functional team may include: Engineering, Production, Quality, Sales, Costing, Manufacturing, Marketing, Purchasing etc.
While planning following activates should be carried out.
1. Personnel within the design activity should be qualified in the following/or other skills, as appropriate
1. Geometric Dimension and Tolerance (GD&T)
2. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
3. Design for Manufacture/Assembly (DFM/DFA)
4. Value Engineering (VE)
5. Design of Experiments (Taguchi & Classical)
6. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis - Design and Process
7. Finite Element Methods (FEM)
8. Solid Modeling (CAD/CAE)
9. Simulation techniques etc..
2. Determine customer requirements
Customer requirements are typically determined by any or all of the following:
1. Market research
2. Quality Function Deployment
3. Warranty history from similar products
4.  Supplier Quality Reports
5.  Team Experience
3. Business plan
The Business plan is a strategic document which may place some constraints on the development of the proposed product. Examples of Constraints: Project timing, cost of investment in technology, machinery and human resources, quality requirements, manufacturing capabilities, government regulations
4. Benchmark data
At this stage of the program Benchmark data should be obtained for the process and product as appropriate. Benchmark data may be used to establish the “GAP” between your current product or process and that of the “World Best”. Corrective action plans should be developed to close the “GAP” with the focus on becoming “World Best”.
5. Product and Process assumptions
List all of the current product and process assumptions.
Examples may be:
1. Material Characteristics and Performance
2. Reliability assessments
3. Machine capabilities
4. Management Structure
6. At the completion of this stage the following aspects should be defined;
1. Design goals
2. Reliability goals
3. Quality targets
4. Preliminary Bill of Material (BOM)
5. Preliminary process flow chart
6. Preliminary listing of special characteristics
7. Any governmental, environmental or safety regulations
Phase 2-Product Design and Development
The Product Design and Development phase begins with the generation of a design FMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)
1. Design output shall be the result of a process that includes the following.
Efforts to simplify, optimize, innovate and reduce waste with methods such as: Critical to Quality (CTQs), Design for Manufacture/Assembly (DFM/DFA), Design of Experiment, Tolerance studies (GD&T),Analysis of costs/performance/risks trade offs, Use of feedback from testing production and the field, Use of Design FMEA’s
2. Plan and Conduct Design verification at appropriate
The purpose of the design verification is to ensure that the design output is meeting the planned design input as defined in phase 1, Plan and Define the program.
Phase 1: Design Input - Hole locations +/- 1.0 mm
Phase 2: Design Output - Engineering Drawings stipulating the Hole locations at the tolerance of +/- 1.0 mm
3. Plan and Conduct Design reviews (formal documented review)
Design reviews are conducted to monitor the progress of the project relative to customer requirements. The reviews are conducted by a cross functional team and the results of each review must be documented. Typically, the Design reviews might cover; Design FMEA, Design verification progress, reliability tests and studies, computer simulation results, benchmark data and overall progress relative to time constraints
4. Finalization of:
The following thing should be finalize
1. Engineering drawings including CAD data
2. Engineering specifications
3. Material specifications
At this stage the cross functional team should have reviewed and approved all drawings, engineering specifications and material specifications.
4. New equipment, tooling and facilities
During the design review the cross functional team may determine that new equipment, tooling and facilities will be required. These details must be addressed and included in the overall timing plan. Emphasis must be placed on ensuring that new equipment, tooling and facilities are completed on time.
5. Finalization of any new inspection, measuring and test equipment device
Any new inspection, measuring and test equipment is required. If the equipment is required, this should be recorded into the overall timing plan and progress towards the acquisition be monitored.
6. Team Feasibility statement
At this time the cross functional team must be satisfied that the proposed design can be manufactured to the customer’s requirements. Once satisfied, the cross functional team members must sign off the Team Feasibility Statement.
Phase 3 Process Design & Development
The Process Design and Development phase requires the following
aspects to be defined and/or documented;
1. Customer packaging and labelling standards
Generally, the customer will provide documented packaging and labelling guidelines. These documents should be followed. When no guidelines are available, the cross functional team is responsible for developing guidelines to ensure integrity of the packaged product.
2. Review of the current Quality Management System to ensure its suitability for the prospective product and associated processes
The cross functional team should review the manufacturing sites Quality Manual to ensure the current Quality Management System addresses all of the requirements to design and manufacture the product under consideration. Any additional controls and/or procedural changes should be used to improve the Quality Management System in operation
3. Finalization of the process flow chart
The finalized process flow chart is a schematic representation of the process flow. This chart is used to detect any potential bottlenecks, such as, material flow problems and manpower. This chart also serves as a starting point when conducting the Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.
4. Floor plan layout with an emphasis on minimising material travel
The floor plan should be developed to determine the acceptability of inspection points, control chart locations, visual aid locations, rework area(s) and storage areas. When developing the process and subsequent floor plan an emphasis must be placed on utilising floor space for value added activities.
5. Completion of the Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
The Process FMEA should be conducted prior to production commencing. The process FMEA is a structured and detailed study performed by a cross functional team on a process to determine how potential external and internal factors could impact a process. Once potential problems are established, preventive actions are developed to control all such problems.
6. Completion of the Pre-launch Control Plan
The Pre-Launch control plan provides a description of the dimensional measurements and functional test that occur after prototype and prior to full production. The pre-launch control plan typically includes additional product/process controls until the production process is validated.
7. Measurement systems analysis plan to encompass all of the inspection measuring and test equipment designated on the control plan
All inspection, measuring and test equipment utilized to measure product or process characteristics as defined in the Control plan must under go a Measurement Systems Analysis. The analysis should not be just restricted to Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility but should also include studies on, linearity, and accuracy, as appropriate.
8. Process Monitoring and Operator Instructions
These shall typically include or reference as follows: 1.Operation Name and number keyed to process flow chart,2.Part Name and Number, 3.Current Engineering level/date, Required tools,4.gages and other equipment, 5.Material identification and disposition instructions, 6.Customer and supplier designated special characteristics, 7.SPC requirements,8.Relevant Engineering and manufacturing standards,9. Inspection and test instructions, 10.Corrective action instructions, 11.Revision date and approvals, 12.Visual aids,13.Tool change intervals and set up instructions
9. Preventative maintenance
The cross functional should identify key process equipment and develop an preventative maintenance system. At a minimum the system must include;1.A procedure that describes planned maintenance activities, 2.Scheduled maintenance activities, 3.Predictive maintenance methods,4.Review of Manufacturers recommendations,5.Tool wear,6.Fluid Analysis,7.Vibration Analysis,8.Availability of replacement parts for key,9.manufacturing equipment

 Phase 4- Product and Process Validation
The Product and Process validation phase requires the following aspects to be defined and/or documented;
1. Production trial run as stipulated in the Control
Plan - typically the results from this trial production run are used for; 1.Preliminary process capability studies, 2.Measurement systems analysis (Gauge R&R),3.– Process review, 4.Product validation testing (Functional fit), 5.Production Part Approval, 6.Packing evaluation, 7.Quality Planning signoff, 8.Finalization of Production Control Plan
2. Production Part Approval
Production Part Approval is required to validate that the product manufactured meets all customer requirements.
3. Production Validation Testing
Production Validation testing refers to Engineering tests that validate the production process as meeting all of the customer requirements, particularly, Engineering requirements.
4. Packaging Evaluation
Validating the packaging to ensure product is protected to the point of delivery is an integral phase of Product and Process Validation. In addition the cross functional team representatives should ensure that the type of packaging will allow the end user to handle the product in a safe and efficient manner.
5. Production Control Plan
The production control plan describes the systems for controlling the entire process. The production control plan is a living document that must reflect the current flow of production. Any addition or deletions of process, inspection activities etc. Must be reflected in the control plan.
6. Quality Planning Sign-off
The Quality planning sign off is typically is typically conducted by the cross functional team once the control plan accurately reflects the entire process, process instructions are satisfactory, FMEAs are complete and Measurement System Studies have been completed. The form which is typically used for sign off is referred to as the Product Quality Planning Summary and Sign Off Report.

Phase 5- Feedback, Assessment and Corrective Action
Based on the output of phase 4, more specifically the: 1.Production trial run 2.Measurement Systems Analysis, 3.Preliminary process capability study, 4.Production part approval, 5.Production validation testing, 6.Packaging Evaluation, 7.Customer concerns.
The results(feedback) are assessed and corrective action is instigated with a focus on; CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.  Additionally, the following three aspects need to be continually assessed;
1. Variation
Control charts or other statistical techniques should be utilized to identify process variation. This should be assessed and corrective action taken if required
2. Customer Satisfaction
The supplier in conjunction with the customer must continually assess the performance of the end product in its operating environment. This may be done by product audits, warranty analysis, customer complaints, benchmark details etc…This information should be assessed and if required corrective action taken.
3. Delivery and Service
Delivery and service is an integral part of quality. The delivery performance of suppliers must be focused on achieving 100% delivery on time. The supplier must assess its delivery performance and service and if appropriate take the required corrective action.

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