23 Dec 2013

Continuous improvement

What is continuous improvement and how could it help my business?
There are two general types of continuous improvement activities.
 Breakthrough improvements often occur suddenly and result in a dramatic improvement. Typically, breakthrough improvements are made by one or a few individuals who develop a new theory, invention or technology to solve an old problem.
On the other hand, incremental improvements are less dramatic improvements that are carried out by many people over time in gradual and constant small steps.
Both types of improvement are necessary. While breakthrough improvements can produce huge gains, they are also unpredictable. Incremental improvement may not produce dramatic effects, but the results will be long lasting. The accumulation of countless small improvements is often equal to or greater than the value of one or two breakthrough improvements.
Some organisations can bring about an ongoing sequence of breakthrough improvements and can engage everyone to gradually and continuously improve everything in their daily work. These organisations will typically outperform organisations that rely only on breakthrough or incremental improvement. Excellent organisations spend considerable time and effort to achieve both breakthrough and incremental improvements.
Either type of improvement is more likely to occur if you do the following.
1. Involve people and make finding problems “threat free”
2. Use facts and data
3. Develop and use reliable methods
4. Use the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) to drive continuous improvement

Use problem-solving and improvement tools and methods

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