24 Dec 2013

Benefits of TQM

                              GO BACK

TQM as a slogan has been around since 1985. TQM provides a management system, using various combinations of tools that have been in existence for much longer. Each tool has its own use, with benefits that follow. TQM leads to a synergy of benefits.

  • Through the application of TQM, senior management will empower all levels of management, including self management at worker level, to manage quality systems.
  • Outlined below are some advantages to be gained by a hotel, from the use of TQM. These are split into the five key areas of TQM.
  • Continuous Improvement. People wish to improve themselves and get a better lifestyle. If the desire for individual improvement is transferred to systems within the workplace, then these systems will improve.
  • Management can, at times, be a restraint to innovation through relying on historical systems. This will result in "always do what you have always done and you will always get what you have always got".
  • A good chef will know how best to prepare and present food. If given the freedom to innovate then the standard of food will improve.
  • When mistakes are made by staff, it is rarely through a desire to make a mistake. The system used is at fault. With departments constantly striving for improvement, hotel systems will improve, leading to reduced internal costs and a better service for customers.
  • Multifunctional Teams. Within the hotel, departments are customers and suppliers for each other. A waiter is the chef's supplier giving information on what has been ordered from the menu including any special requests about how the food should be prepared (medium, well done etc). When the food is ready, the roles are reversed. The chef becomes the waiter's supplier providing the food.
  • If the hotel's organization is structured in such a way, that people in different departments work with each other to solve problems as a team, traditional inter departmental barriers will be removed. Inter departmental communication on a day to day basis is essential for effective management.
  • Multifunctional teamwork allows the problems and requirements of each department to be passed on at worker level, throughout the hotel. This will lead to a better understanding of how the hotel systems work, by all employees.
  • Individuals will work with each other identifying causes of problems rather than blaming each other for the results of a problem. This will remove the blame culture.
  • Reduction in Variation. Systems are influenced by many elements which cause variation. For example, as new staffs are employed, they will do their jobs in a different way to previous staff. This can lead to a change in the service provided by the hotel. If such influences can be minimized, then standards of service can be maintained.
  • This can be achieved by documenting systems. Giving workers the opportunity to own their processes by letting them do this documentation boosts morale. Also, the documentation will accurately reflect what is actually done rather than what management thinks is done. Initially this will lead to guests receiving a known standard of service which will result in repeat business.
  • Once the standard is stabilized, changes made to improve the service can be measured and directly linked to the improvement made.
  • Supplier Integration. By involving your suppliers directly with your staff, two way communications can be established. Your chef can explain the standard of food required. Your supplier can explain the difficulties in supplying such food. Any problems that arise can be solved jointly, using your knowledge of hotel systems, the chef's knowledge of food and the suppliers’ expertise in supply systems.
  • This prevents waste through returned goods for the supplier. Expense through:
  • Obtaining replacements from another supplier.
  • A drop in service by not being able to provide what was intended.
  • Education and Training. Through education, management and staff are given the tools to achieve all the above. Education provides for guided innovation from all levels. Training, which is a cost, shows a commitment by management to:
  • Individual staff self improvement, which is a motivator.
  • TQM.
  • Summary. Staff will collectively provide continual improvement of hotel systems. By working together, communication/departmental barriers will be broken down. The standard of service can be set, maintained and then improved. Suppliers will be working with rather than working for the hotel. The standard of staff and management will improve through education. The adoption of a new attitude to work, by everyone embracing the ideas of TQM.

The primary, long-term benefits of TQM in the public sector include better services, reduced costs and satisfied customers. Progressive improvement in the management systems and the quality of services offered result in increasingly satisfied customers.

     In addition a number of other benefits are:

·         observable including improved skills,

·         morale and confidence among public service staff,

·         enhanced relationships between governments and its constituents,

·         increased government accountability and transparency and

  • Improved productivity and efficiency of public services.
  • A philosophy that improves business from top to bottom
  • A focused, systematic and structured approach to enhancing customer's satisfaction
  • Process improvement methods that reduce or eliminate problems i.e. non conformance costs
  • Tools and techniques for improvement - quality operating system
  • Delivering what the customer wants’s in terms of service, product and the whole experience
  • Intrinsic motivation and improved attitudes throughout the workforce
  • Workforce is proactive - prevention orientated
  • Enhanced communication
  • Reduction in waste and rework
  • Increase in process ownership- employee involvement and empowerment
  • Everyone from top to bottom educated
  • Improved customer/supplier relationships (internally & externally)
  • Market competitiveness
  • Quality based management system for ISO 9001:2008 certification
                                  GO BACK

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